These immortal words were heard at 10-AM every Saturday morning as the “Captain Midnight” show was broadcast in 1955. This was not a new venue to the broadcast media as the “Captain Midnight” radio show began in the 1930’s and continued, through the war years, until it went dark in 1949. It remained sequestered until a small Hollywood production company, “Screen Gems”, revived the show on Saturday morning television. Through it’s tenure of 29 episodes the show inspired many a youngster of the day to become interested in law enforcement, aviation and communications. One such lad, living in Windham, New Hampshire, was so inspired that he decided to pursue those ideals, as possible, with his limited prospects. Although he could never afford a Douglas Silver Dart jet aircraft, with the funds available and a charity auction, and 50 cents in hand, he purchased an obsolete AM broadcast band 1930’s vintage receiver. Hence, the “Secret Squadron Radio Club” was created as a “BCDX” club which opened up a new world of information. A year later, 1956, another receiver was donated having short wave capabilities, and the club evolved into a full short-wave listeners club. It remained so until 1962 when amateur radio entered the format and the club again evolved into the world of “amateur radio”. Through the following years and countless members, inspired with patriotism, have carried on in the military, law enforcement and communications fields to become a valued asset to the country and their local communities. As this lad’s age has progressed, the club continued and now rests in the world of amateur radio and internet blogs. Please feel free to join us and find a new adventure using our SSRC repeater, with programming information below, if you are FCC licensed, or relive the days of yester-year by researching the old shows and blogs on the internet or purchasing DVD’s from many of the vendors available.
Looking forward to conversing and reminiscing with you.
Signing off with the motto of the Secret Squadron:
P.O. BOX 0612
NEW WAVERLY, TX 77358-0612
PHONE 603.552.5077